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Public beta

Owledge Public Beta

Since April 2024, you can use Owledge freely in a secure environment. Feel free to explore the tool, share it with your colleagues and use it everyday.

Is it 100% free ?

Yes, Owledge is free and you will not get charged for the beta. By default, you can get up to 10 tools and 25 members per workspace. If needed, reach us for an upgrade.

Is it free forever ?

Future pricing informations are already avalaible on our website. These may evolve until release.

More questions ?

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Not available on mobile yet...

Owledge is only available on desktop for the moment. Use it on desktop or discover our website on mobile.

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Public beta

Owledge Public Beta

Since April 2024, you can use Owledge freely in a secure environment. Feel free to explore the tool, share it with your colleagues and use it everyday.

Is it 100% free ?

Yes, Owledge is free and you will not get charged for the beta. By default, you can get up to 10 tools and 25 members per workspace. If needed, reach us for an upgrade.

Is it free forever ?

Future pricing informations are already avalaible on our website. These may evolve until release.

More questions ?


Stop loosing so
much time searching

Enjoy a fast and accurate search accross all your apps at once.

Try Owledge for free now.

Only Google and Microsoft sign up are supported for now.

As Owledge search accross all your knowledge from a single great searchbar, it has to access your tool stack securely thanks to the robust OAuth protocol. By signing-up with your main workspace account, you earn precious time.

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Microsoft sign up will be available soon...

Only Google is available for the moment but Microsoft authentication is currently in development. Sign up for the waiting list to be part of the first one to try Owledge with Microsoft.